I've mentioned before that my sister hosts cats for adoption. Generally, every time I visit, there is different cat. One time, she had two onery looking kittens that I ached to play with, but they had ringworm and couldn't be handled. Sis had to use rubber gloves to treat, feed and water the poor little devils. Often, these cats have a health issue - which is why they were abandoned. According to that logic, I should have been kicked to the curb a long time ago. I have little sympathy for the former "masters" of these animals.
Biscuit's only problem we could fathom was his sensitivity to dog food. He's ok with cat food from Petsmart, but the dog food for Sadie - Kathleen's cocker spaniel - not so much. It gives him gas. Nuclear strength with a marked half life.
Otherwise, he is a friendly, well behaved full grown neutered male. He likes attention, but seems fairly quiet, particularly compared to the cat who rules The Poor Farm (Rooster). I'd have brought him home, but Rooster does not play well with others. This old farmhouse is small enough with myself and one cat - but two? That may or may not get along? No, Biscuit deserves a family that can devote themselves to him - he's worth it. Believe me when I tell you I didn't like leaving him behind. When I adopted Rooster from the pound at Dodge City - it was painful to pick only one out of so many. The staff offered a trip through their dog section, but I knew I couldn't handle that. I'd want 'em all. I'd be the crazy old hermit with all the dogs and cats that ends up in the news, given half a chance.
At any rate, if you are in need of a cat and are in the Oklahoma City area, I can assure you Biscuit would make a fine addition to your family. He even has his own web page. And, if you want a cat or a dog and you aren't from that area, please consider your local shelter or pound. Mixed breeds may not be Paris Hilton's fashion choice of accessories, but they are generally more robust and healthy than finicky purebreeds, plus they need our lovin.'
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