Saturday, July 28, 2012

Truly I Am One Lucky Bastard

Yannow, after all that happened and my life starts to settle, I cannot help but reflect on the generosity of so many people in and in the fringes of my life. This small town has really come through for me as well as many of you on the internet, and some of long time friends have gone above and beyond the call. Not only cash, which I sorely needed, but places to stay, furniture, cookware, towels, sheets, dinnerware, you name it, I've gotten some pretty awesome stuff. Like Corelle dishes. Bath and kitchen towels - quality stuff, unlike the linty stuff I buy from WallyWorld. Leather furniture. Art for the walls. You name it.

One gift really stands out, though, because it's not what you'd expect. A longtime pal called me up and wanted to meet me - and he, his father and grandmother gave me a substantial chunk of money. But that wasn't all.

Scott told me that he knew I'd lost all my knives, and that I'd probably be needing a good one. Just to recount, I'd lost a bowie collection - including some custom stuff by Gil Hibben, a KaBar, and other admittedly el cheapo fantasy blades. Also - the inevitable samurai sets, some auto opening ones of different varieties, some collector trappers, a straight razor collection, all kinds of sharpening stuff (including a grinder with paper wheels - the best way IMHO), as well as some nice Forschner and Henckels kitchen goodies (although some of my replacements are Chicago Cutlery, which ain't nuttin' to sneeze at), and a bunch of pocketknives of various manufacturers and patterns.

He had purchased this older Case XX Sodbuster (buffalo horn scales) from eBay, and sent it in to Case for a tune-up. Let me tell you this baby is sharp. Tight, too, and plenty of snap. It's been damn useful around here.

And he wasn't the only one, but I have a policy not to mention that I may or may not own particular items online, especially considering I had a bunch of them stolen several years ago. It's none of the Algore's Innertube's bidness. But someone (rather, a family of someones) made sure I would be protected. Stylishly. 'Nuff said.

At any rate, it's great to have such fine friends who know me too well, and just thinking about it makes me all misty and runny and mushy. I love you all.


Anonymous said...

we love you very much sweet jeffros!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, there is good in everyone of us but some of us don't know it until something as tragic as this occurs. We reach down within our souls and we open up like a flower in the rain, to come together and help a friend. It doesn't matter who we are, what we have or may not have but we want to give something that helps the person in need. Jeff, you are a very rich man. You have friends that love & care about you as a person and as their friend, who would help them in return....I am very happy for you and that one day, you will find the peace that you greatly deserve & your home that you can call your own... ~<3~ Midge

threecollie said...

Good news and I am so glad for you. Having been on the receiving end of such love a couple of times I know it can bring good out of disaster and it couldn't have come to a nicer guy. Take care.

Anonymous said...

they really do know you well

[f.i., if it was me, I would definitely be grateful, but not particularly happy with the gift. now, if it was good Italian bed sheets...]

lisa said...

Sometimes you really find out who your friends are!

Erinyes said...

I've lurked at your site for years. I read about your misfortune a while back. Wish I'd been in a position to help financially...

I'm glad to hear so many were able to be there for you!

Keads said...

You are very fortunate to have such people in your life. I am glad they helped.

I mainly wanted to say nice knife though!