Yannow, I just don't care who is to blame. NASA, Congress, past administrations, whatever. They're all responsible as far as I'm concerned. Our space program isn't enough of a space program anymore to say it's fallen on hard times - the situation is beyond that.
We set the gold standard for space exploration. Our astronauts were our heroes. Now, the most notable one wore Depends to make a long drive to attempt murder. Children used to want to grow up to be them. We used to have something as a nation that gave us some pride - a shared experience that made us glad to be citizens of these United States. Not anymore. We're reducing ourselves to hitching rides to get to the Space Station that we mostly built.
Why, you'd think our fearless leaders and bureaucrats all lack a vision for the future beyond reelection and keeping their cushy .gov jobs. Oh, wait....
And we don't build huge hydro-electric dams, bay-spanning bridges anymore, and our interstate highway system is crumbling.
I think our country had its balls removed some time back by the libtards and their "Political Corectness".
I was just out of high-school in July 1969, and was offstage at a community theater group I was doing the audio for. I had my little 5" B&W Sony TV with me, and let out a whoop when the Eagle touched down. A few of the artsy-fartsy types stuck their noses in the room and asked what happened. I told them we had just safely landed on the Moon!
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM said word to the effect of "Oh, I thought something IMPORTANT had happened" and wandered back out.
Sad, very sad.....
I think you're right - the space program is just a symptom of bigger problems.
Much bigger problems...
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