An interesting rock formation west of Cheyenne WY on I80.

This is either in far west Wyoming or eastern Utah on I80. I didn't get any pictures in Idaho or Oregon so far. I84 through Idaho was kinda busy with traffic and road construction, so I guess that would be my excuse. We had run Colorado, Wyoming and Utah at 75mph the whole trip, then we had to slow down to 65mph for Idaho. Oregon? 55mph. Even Illinois has opened up their speed limits for trucks to 65. Frikkin' Commies anyhow. Looks like rain today, so any pictures might not be very picturesque.
We'll get unloaded today and start heading back.
1 comment:
Great shots. I've run I 80 clear out to Sacra getthehelloutoftheway mento!
Been up in the northwest as a kid but never driven it myself. Nice pics!
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