Zits has been running this series all week, and ended today. Thought y'all might like to see 'em. Braaaaains!
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Hedonistic musings from the rural point of view
We do not rent pigs
Well, feed the French and kill the Germans
You made my sphincter eat my underpants
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rereents was the stupid word I had to copy to put this here. What the hell kind of a word is rereents?
To reent again?
Its the same as 'subleeting'. As in: "I reented a building, then subleet it to another cat."
How about an ent reincarnation?
When Treebeard kicked off and came back as Ol' MossyOak - he reented. But, when Ol' MossyOak stumped out and came back as Willow Liverleaf, he rereented.
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