Gawd, I swear, talk about a weak effort here. OMG - Sarah Palin had help with her book! It was even in the news - Palin announced her ghostwriter before the project was started - Lynn Vincent, a Christian writer, no less. Apparently, having someone ghost write a book deserves scorn, particularly if the parties concerned are Christian and conservative.
Unless you are JFK (Godlike Democrat), author of Profiles in Courage, widely considered to be ghostwritten by Theodore Sorenson. He even admitted his contributions years later. Or perhaps we could cast a disparaging eye on the current inhabitant (another Godlike Democrat) of the White House - it sure looks like William Ayers (you know, the guy Teh Won just knew "from the hood," not being very close and all or gawd forbid a friend or mentor) wrote major portions of Dreams from My Father.
I've said before that I'm not sure Sarah is the answer to our problems. She damn sure is closer than her erstwhile running mate from '08, but that's another kettle of fish. What is really getting under my skin is the constant hypocrisy. In our faces.

Yep, Marvin said it best.
Heh- looks like you're sure not a sexist, either, Jeffro. *(your prior post)
Good on ya, friend!
It's gotten under my skin, too. Several years, now. The hypocrisy and double standards have hit an all-time low over the last year.
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