I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Lawdog just posted about the new "toy" floating around the blogosphere - I've seen it but hadn't tried it until today. It's a program that analyzes snippets of your writing to see who your writing style resembles. I Write Like can take whole blog posts cut and pasted - and it's interesting. So far, I've gotten Chuck Palahniuk twice, Corey Doctorow twice, and David Foster Wallace five times. Guess we've got a winnah!
Unfortunately, I've read none of these authors, so I guess they haven't rubbed off on me in a steal their writing style sort of way.
Check it out and tell me who you write like!
WOW...I write like Stephen King !!
Which only makes sense. I personally own and have read EVERY book he has ever written... Good to know my money has not gone to waste.
I've got his earlier stuff - guess it didn't rub off much. I could start talking about extending my little digit to dig for green gold - if you know what I mean and I think that you do - but I probably won't!
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