Thompson submachine gun among 1,700 weapons collected in gun buyback

LAPD Deputy Chief Charlie Beck and Lt. Fred Booker marvel at a throw-back of a weapon - the Thompson submachine gun, made famous, or infamous, in one of a score of movies about mobsters terrorizing American streets during Prohibition.This gun was one of almost 1,700 guns which were turned in to the LAPD over the weekend as part of a gun buyback program. Residents could turn in their weapons with no questions asked and receive a coupon for $100 worth of groceries.
Hey - it's evil looking - got that round mag hanging out below, what's the diff, right?
H/T Clayton Cramer
Update - Just for grits and shins I looked at the page again and there were (0) comments. Ok, I'll help 'em out - let them know they screwed up. Submitting and previewing comments on that entry take you to an error page - so, they've closed comments but without showing they have. LaLaLa I can't hear you! Heh. Now they can still be righteously wrong without consequences! No corrections here!
Thats not a Thompson, is it? If it is, it has been ruined with goofy aftermarket add-ons. All it needs is curb feelers, a big spotlight and mud flaps with plastic jewels.
It's a "Street Sweeper" shotgun - or a clone.
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