"So I said to him, "Barack, I know Abe Lincoln, and you ain't him."
Artist: Andy Thomas
Hedonistic musings from the rural point of view
We do not rent pigs
Well, feed the French and kill the Germans
You made my sphincter eat my underpants
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Wow, I love it....just love it! Thank you!
I got a Job today! I took the physical and the drug screen this afternoon. I should be on the road by tuesday evening. Its with a local company that runs out and back to St. Louis running to the southeast the mid west and some of the eastern ports. Will be home most week ends and some times once during the week.
Thats a big worry off my back for now. By the way, my blog site expired so I'll let you know when I get another one set up. We are not going to use blog city anymore.
Alrighty then, Tim!
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