Thursday, March 19, 2009

Delegating Labor

This is how it works.

H/T Darrin


drjim said...

Gee....looks a lot like where I work.
And I'm the guy in the hole!

threecollie said...

Painfully true. So funny it hurts!

Mark Krusen said...

This is exactly how corporate America is set up.

drjim said...

We had "Black Friday" where I work today. We were expecting it yesterday, as it was a payday, and that's usually when they do it. Out of 200 employees, 27 were let go, and their positions were eliminated.
6 were hourly, and TWENTY-ONE were managers!
Absolutely stunning....

Jeffro said...

Wow. Sorry to hear that drjim - I'm hoping you are still employed.....

drjim said...

OOOPS! Forgot to include that I still have a job!
I'm not a manager, just one of the "Guys in the Hole"!