At this moment, TNT is playing Saving Private Ryan. It's been one of my favorite movies since it came out in 1998. Yeah, so I'm a gun nut and like war movies - big surprise. However, there is another aspect of this film that hits me pretty close to home and makes me pretty misty every stinking time. My father died not long before Ryan hit the theaters.
The opening scene where the elder Ryan (portrayed by Harrison Young, who himself passed in 2005) visits the grave of Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) really caught me unprepared. Just look at the similarities between my Dad and Mr. Young.

First, there is the hair. Almost exactly the same cut, part and length. Eyes - both watery blue and with similar bags underneath. The wide set mouth. The ears are very close. The shape of the face and the tall forehead. Mr. Harrison's nose is perhaps a bit narrower, but they share the slightly bulbous tip. Although the picture of Dad doesn't show it, he had a very similar jacket, wore similar pullover stretch shirts, and wore similar pants for slightly "dressing up" - such as going out to eat, or maybe on a trip to see a grave.....
At any rate, the movie makes me think of my Dad and how much I miss him.
I'm right there with you. Every time I see "Victory At Sea", or hear the music, it's almost like my Dad is in the room with me.
Wow. I see the resemblance.
It's got me thinking about my dad, too.
God bless, Jeff.
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