Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

Really? Jeff Danziger thinks all the mass killers were exposed to "excessive" toy guns as children? Just dismiss those silly ideas about how the little bastards were bats*^t crazy and how we as a nation do not have a mental health solution. Where TF is is degree in psychology, I wonder? When was the last time he was even at a toy store? I'm just curious, seeing how none of the toy displays I've seen for years even has a gun, much less this many.

Nope, Danziger is not biased or have an agenda, or forge ahead regardless of the facts.

Next up, Danziger will campaign to end the unsustainable war between Spacely Sprockets and Cogswell Cogs. For the children.


Nursejoan said...

Spot on! Where are the first cuts in health care??? Yup - mental health . . .

threecollie said...

As far as I have seen while shopping and our young ones are just barely grown, the only toy guns readily available are super soakers and their ilk

lisa said...

You nailed it on the head, Literally! People are fools if they think more gun control is the answer!

Anonymous said...

I guess, those killers who use kitchen knives were overexposed in their childhood days to Williams Sonoma shops...and those who employ poison - to medicaiton aisles in their local drugstores