Sunday, April 26, 2009

W00T!!!11!! I'm Number Five!!!11

Yep, number five in the UK for that particular search string. I really and truly don't want to know, but it seems to me that proper personal hygiene might, just might be a preventative measure. Maybe it's just me.


ptg said...

Smelly bell button lint? Makes a good soup stock starter.

Jeffro said...

Better than smegma?

ptg said...

Now that is just plain disgusting. Everyone knows that smegma is served on toast corners, whereas bb lint goes into the stock pot. Just like used dental floss, you have to save the lint up in a paper bag (where it can dry) until you have enough. Smegma must be saved up in a tightly sealed jam jar. It takes forever to get enough for a decent sandwich.

The Local Malcontent said...