The tower with the twin masts should be the big clue. I've been passing through this city quite a bit lately - but when I'm loaded the state routes me around downtown on the southern part of an interstate loop. If ya don't have a clue, check the properties of the picture.
Indianapolis...and no, I am not the least bit clever about cities, the photo is titled if you click on it...unless, of course it is actually Albany and you are just gaming us., lol
Snork! Yeah, I made it pretty easy! I think that is the Bank One building with the twin masts.
Oooooh, I love this game. This should be a regular feature. And I, too, cheated by looking at the name of the jpeg. Make it harder for us next time. How about "Guess this roadside attraction"? You must pass a lot of good ones when you have to go on a city bypass.
Lisa - that's not a bad idea. I'd run out of cities in a hurry - at least ones with a skyline!
And that's the former Bank 1 building, now the Chase Tower. :)
If you take 65 to Chicago at the North Split, don't forget to honk at the Meridian St. overpass: it's about as close as you'll get to Roseholme Cottage and/or the Skunk Works.
(WV: "beenta." Go figure).
Roberta - I've never beenta that spot in Indy, but I'll sure give ya a blast if I cruise by!
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