Rest area on I70 west of Indianapolis - westbound side
The "planners" of this rest area marked that out for a reason - so y'all could park there! Yes, it's true - when you're special, you don't have to follow the herd. Ya followed the sign that said cars to the left vs trucks and vehicles with trailers to the right - but those handy angled pull through parking spaces? The extra wide ones? Welp, those are just for truckers and such. You should park right next to the yellow no parking curb. In the shade. Which is apparently the reason why the white Chevy Tahoe behind the UHaul rig is there.
Both of these arseholes just blocked about ten parking spots for semis. In order to fit a tractor/trailer into the parking slot - the driver has to have the rig positioned next to that curb to be able to swing into a slot. If the trucker is too far away from that curb, it's physically impossible to place that big rig in one of those parking spots. Not only the slots that those morons are behind - but the slots that are in front of them as well. Ya still have to get over to that curb, and so the trucks coming in have to go on past their dumb a$$es, swing over to the curb, clear the morons and then pull past far enough to get the trailer placed close to the curb - in order to keep from hitting the other trucks parked there.
On second thought I'd say these privileged members of society actually put about fifteen semi parking slots hors de combat.
I'm sensing some road rage, Jeffro...
But I enjoy it nonetheless. Keep it coming. It's nice to know I'm not alone in finding examples of our fellow "mouthbreathers of the highways and byways".
I'd like to correct myself - it's not road rage, but clearly a bout of parking lot rage. Which is still legal in 14 states.
Snork! I was a tad irritated because I was one of those who had to pass up parking slots because there was no way to fit the ol' Binder - and I was sitting on the back of the trailer waiting on my compadre when it occurred to me that this situation was blog fodder. Blog Fodder, Man - the elusive inspiration. Woot!
Luckily, i could park mine on the yellow no parking curb area :)
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