Garry Trudeau has it. How on God's green earth can he ink this stuff without realizing his hero Teh Won had no experience compared to Bush? "President of the 57 states in the Union" - yeah, that's how the world really works for a community organizer and a junior senator who didn't even finish his first term. But George W. was obviously stupid compared to the brilliance displayed by Dear Leader - plus, Bush actually served in the military for six years. Flew jets, fer cry yi. Crammed bullet points? WTF is Trudeau talking about? Of course Teh Won didn't learn anything at the knees of Ayers or Reverend Wright - or take orders from the real ruler of Illinois - Daley.
I think y'all know by now I'm not a big fan of Bush's domestic policies - so I don't really care to find myself defending him - but for crying out loud - people who live in glass houses shouldn't be lobbing freaking boulders. Still lobbing boulders - a year after his hero won! Are we still trying to tear down Bush to Der Kommisar's level because we're a bit insecure about his qualifications and job performance?
Naw, not in kumbaya land. All is well, nothing to see here, move along.
1 comment:
Irrelevant millionaire cartoonist. Hell for me would find myself stranded in his house for a week during a blizzard and having to be nice to him until I could leave.
In a worse hell I would find myself liking him at the end of the week, until I could be deprogrammed by PT.
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