Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wow, What A Post!

I'm sure that y'all know that Scott Adams writes the Dilbert comic strip, and has a blog. He also isn't afraid to mix it up and say what he thinks. To me, he's got some odd ideas and his thinking seems convoluted at times, but I've always appreciated his honesty.

Well, today he's written a zinger. Howard Shultz, CEO of Starbucks, has urged fellow CEOs to boycott funding political campaigns until our national debt and spending problems are resolved. Remember when Starbucks was at the center of an open carry controversy? They refused to ban firearms from their stores where open carry and concealed carry of handguns are legal. They stuck to it, too, even with the expected bleating from the Brady Campaign and plenty of others.

That is all beside the point - I was just mentioning that so we'd all kinda put what Mr. Shultz thinks in context. I was going to excerpt some of what Scott Adams had to say, but his post is so well organized that cutting a part of it does a disservice to the rest of the thoughts he has.

Go and read the whole thing.


Earl said...

I do like that idea, no more Political Contributions until the Government figures out how to care for the money it has already overspent.

lisa said...

The political bullsh******t is the problem to begin with and always will be. Just like the new buses!