Nice edge on view of my air freshener - plus because of road construction, southbound traffic is actually in the left northbound lane. I can assure you there are a vast number of tractor units over there.

I'm going so fast that light has warped. Heh. You can see that you can get any color you want, as long as it is red, white or blue.
This is Google Maps satellite view of the same lot - but I'd say it's full compared to when I drove by last week. What kind of trucks are in there?

Freightliners. Columbias to be precise. The average fleet manager's dream truck. None of us know if the trucks are new, used or both. We (as in my compadres and I) assume this is the main yard for some truck leasing outfit. Some say these are all trucks for or from Crete Carriers of Lincoln, NE, who encompass Hunt Transportation (flatbed) and Shaffer Trucking (reefers). Crete's and Hunt's trucks are primarily red, and Shaffer's are blue. I have on occasion seen a white Crete truck, and there are some mixing of divisions - you'll see a Crete truck pulling a Shaffer trailer and so on. Whether or not all these trucks at this location have anything to do with Crete is purely speculation on our part - since Crete is the 800 lb gorilla of trucks in that area, and they do run Columbias. Another case of theory and conjecture not really making it a proven fact!

And then I saw this at the Hook (Flying J) at Salina, KS. I've no idear what kind of chopper it is, other than it has that "Not Made in the US of A" look to it. The poor thing looked rather rode hard and put away wet, too. Perhaps some sort of EMS or rescue type bird? I dunno - don't know enough about that sort of thing to cast any knowledge on the subject. I just don't see choppers being trucked about every day. I've sure seen a bunch over the years, just not very often.
So, I present a couple of mysteries that have no solution from me!
I like a French Helicopter - the markings remind me a little of the US Coast Guards, but not perfectly. It seems close to the HH 65 Dolphin Helicopter - often used for search and rescue by Coast and other agencies. Rode hard and put away wet is probable.
wv -- faluffic
Thanks, Earl!
If I'm reading the registration number correctly, the chopper is (or was, anyway) registered in Nigeria.
Sure looks like 5N to me as well. Bet that bird has a story or three to tell...
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