Yannow those crummy looking roads that go off into the middle of nowhere for oilfield access? You might even see a cattle guard at the intersection with an actual taxpayer maintained road. I'm here to tell ya they are just as rough and nasty as you'd expect. This particular example is south of Loco Hills NM, and I'm being escorted because my load is almost sixteen feet wide and almost seventeen feet tall. Those tanks ahead of me - the same. Since these roads are one or one and a half lanes, hauling a super sized load down 'em can get entertaining when meeting traffic. There are no ditches - the road is basically a graded ditch. Graded many moons ago, when the dirt was fresh and new, and Moby Dick was a minnow, they are definitely suspension exercisers.
Exciting stuff to be sure.
put'n that binder to the test! i'm proud of you! tb
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