Friday, July 29, 2011

Piles 'O Money

This picture is from a series of comparisons between large amounts of money. The point is to realize just how far in debt we are plus how far we will be in debt. Wait until you see the pile of one hundred dollar bills that are higher than the former Twin Towers.

Go here to and become alarmed as you gain perspective.


drjim said...

At the rate they're PRINTING it, it shouldn't take too long to have that pile!

Jeffro said...

How the hell can we afford to PRINT that much? Wow....

drjim said...

Simple....they'll pay for it with more we PRINT!

Jeffro said...

Ahhh, silly me for thinking it should be backed by something of value! I can see you will go far in this brave new world! ;-)

Unknown said...

Hmmm informative post, what actually I was looking for!
Dinero Casa