Friday, January 13, 2012


I wonder if there is some sort of punishment for exceeding one's fifteen minutes of fame?


HEATHER said...

Oh don't I wish there was a punishment! Can not stand that family.

Jess said...

My wife was watching the Kardashian family debacle television show one day, so I stopped and watched an episode.

I learned that nobody works, nobody has any real skill, except Bruce, who used to be an athlete, and the collective I.Q., when you remove the mother, is around that of a box of turnips.

The mother is sharp, but there's a point that you just can't live on your fame of helping to allow a murderer to go unpunished by using courtroom theatrics.

Anyway, I may be wrong, since I only watched one show, although I haven't seen much evidence.

KurtP said...

Her @ss isn't big enough.
Did they run out of e-ink?