Sunday, February 19, 2012

Things I Like

Besides Teh Boobies, fart jokes, and hot rods with classic rock, I also like destroying things.


jed said...

Turns out, the Japanese liked farting too.
The Fart Scrolls

Jeffro said...

Imagine my surprise. The Japanese? You're kidding.

Anonymous said...

What was that TV commercial? [with heavy Teutonic accent]: "I like to lift things up and put them down"

Jeffro said...

I dunno, eTat - that just isn't ringing a bell. I'm sure it's not what you were thinking of, but there was a skit on SNL - Hans and Franz - "We just want (pause) to pump - you up!"

Anonymous said...

That had me backing up LOL!

Anonymous said...

Found it!

Jeffro said...

Snork! I had not seen that....