Saturday, May 11, 2013

I've Always Heard

All about how we are uncultured louts out here in flyover country and how NYC is the center of the genteel universe. We do have art out here, but to compete against something so compelling as this?

A small group of young women in New York has taken to gathering in city parks to read pulp crime novels and other works while topless.
Of course this post is useless without pictures....

photo from

photo from
 I mean, they are promoting reading and all, so clearly they are supporting the arts by going unsupported themselves. How artistic is that?

I guess the critics are right. We just can't compete out here. We've just got nutjobs with mobiles made from junk*, and Western heroes turned into huge action figures. Or even someone like John Steuart Curry, among whose works is this mural in the Kansas State Capital building.

from Wikipedia
John Brown, famous historical abolitionist from Kansas with a tornado, settlers on the trail, prairie fires, sunflowers and the Civil War just can't compete with topless wimmin reading books. Just. Can't Do. It.

As a resident of the Great Plains Flyover Country, I hang my head in shame.......

*Ol' M.T. Liggett popped up in the news the other day. He is the Kansas man who volunteered his burial plot so the now perished from this earth Boston bomber had a place to lay for all eternity.


Anonymous said...

Daily News comments are unusually sane and sensible (and I agree).
Anyway, one correct quote from the article:

'New Yorkers are a jaded, seen-it-all bunch, far too worldly to be stopped in their tracks by the sight of a bare breast"

Now, back to Kansas. Isn't Mr. Brown getting his right thigh pricked by that riffle? He's taken rather an awkward pose, I;d say, one wrong movement and some more than his leg could get hurt.

Jeffro said...

By Gawd you're right! The ol' family jewels are being threatened!

threecollie said...

I am left speechless...and baffled, sorry, just baffled.

jed said...

Well this needs a link to the Coed Topless Pulp Fiction blog.

Not sure what you wanted to link to in re. Liggett.

Given Kansas' long and storied maritime culture, I applaud your recent forays into nautical themes.

Not sure we can compete with the east coast either, but at least we have a diabolical horse. Theres a bunch of that avant-garde stuff around too.

I'm sure they're out there (moreso in Boulder, I'm guessing), but I haven't seen any topless women just out and about. More research is in order.

Jeffro said...

Sorry about that, usually pay attention to what I'm doing a tad better. I linked to a post I did about ol' M.T. a few years back. I fixed the link in the post, but here it is as well:

THAT is quite a blog! "Nautical Themes" - why yes, I do like to motorboat on the rare occasion the opportunity occurs.

Wow - did not know all that about DIA. Strange place.

jed said...

How 'bout we just avoid that topic of how long it's been since we've been in a boat.

Jeffro said...

Just as well.....

David said...

Eeeewww. Next time, how 'bout leaving a skank alert, especially when there's tattoos and bare breasts involved...

Jeffro said...

Heh. I thought they were fairly photogenic, compared to Pink and Breasts for Bombs!