I dunno about y'all, but I like it. The email text also said
This one even comes with a built in headrestDon't you know it! And, it really doesn't need more cowbell.
H/T Ant Gail
Hedonistic musings from the rural point of view
We do not rent pigs
Well, feed the French and kill the Germans
You made my sphincter eat my underpants
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It is things like this that help restore my battered faith in personal freedom.
Heh. That ride is kinda "in yer face," eh?
What was it made from?
I wish I knew - you know how emails are....
Ahhh...OK. You're the only farm equipment/semi-truck guru I know, so I thought you might have known where the 'corpse' came from.
drjim: I did some Googling around based on the 1946 LUC on the rear. The LUC was a JD stationary motor. Picture of one. Whatever is powering the trike looks a lot like that - but some of the other pics out there of LUCs don't have the hump cover at the end.
Dayamm! No chance of whiplash there! :-D
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