Pictured above is a three 200 barrel tank battery. I hauled the tanks, landings and stairs to the site, and used my crane to "set" the tanks. I had to lift them off the trailer first. After the crew and I put the landings together (they are broken down for shipping), we hung them on the tanks. We then hung the stairs.
We don't plumb the tanks in any way - all we do is drop them where and how the customer wants and help install the landings - period. There is room on the pad for more stuff - maybe a water tank (which we could have provided) or perhaps a heater treater (which we do not) or "gun barrel" (water and oil separator, yep, we make 'em). This battery probably services several wells, and buried pipes run from the wells to the tanks. The company will have to put up some sort of containment as well. Tankers will drop by as necessary to haul the crude and water if there is a water tank. I'd just about count on it.
I just thought y'all might like to see just what I do for a living. This is just a part of the job.
So those are just for temp storage of the crude?
What kind of pump do they use? Out here in SoCal we still have a lot of the 'walking beam' type pumps in use.
drjim: Yep, just temporary storage until it's hauled off to a pipeline or a refinery. Most of the pumps around here are the "jack" or beam variety - with the rotating counterweights. I've seen some belt pumps in Utah. The size of the battery and tanks depend on the number and production of the well or wells that they are tied into. Gas wells usually have tanks for water as well, and they can be steel or fiberglass.
probably the same kinds of pumps I see out here. Also called a "nodding donkey" or "grasshopper" pump.
I knew the economy was working somewhere, now if you can get enough rain you will have no problems that Washington DC can help you with. Take care out there.
wv richa
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