Saturday, March 24, 2012

We Don't Know

The Trayvon Martin mess has me fairly pissed off, mostly at the media, the "anti-gun" crowd, and our President. We don't know what happened, period. What the press has been fed is that George Zimmerman, a Hispanic neighborhood watch member and a conceal carry permit holder, called 911 to report a suspicious person. The dispatcher told him not to follow what turned out to be Trayvon Martin, a black kid. After that point, the details are sketchy at best, but that hasn't kept the press and the anti-gun bunch from dancing in his blood.

Two links here - one from Massad Ayoob, who basically says "let's wait and see what the evidence has to say." The other is from Farmer Frank W. James, who boils it down to "I don't trust the media." Both have very pertinent things to say, and you should read them, if you have not.

Some things I have taken from all this:

This guy is a white guy. The Black Panthers think so. If he'd just crossed the border with his back wet from the Rio Grande, he'd be a poor downtrodden undocumented immigrant. But since he took on a black kid, he's as fly as a white guy. He's a honky MF with skin as white as any bigoted KKK member under the sheet.

Our President is a uniter, not a divider. Remember when he said that? I'll expect some comments directed at the black attackers of a white kid in Kansas City who doused their victim with gasoline and hurled racial taunts at him while he burned. Yep, he's a real leader - that denouncement for a racial hate crime oughta be coming real soon, I expect. Jump on that bandwagon, Dear Leader. I expect to hear crickets from the White House if Zimmerman is exonerated, and no one in the main stream media would ever question him on it.

You, me and everyone else DO NOT KNOW what happened. But, let's call for lynch mobs in editorials and hang that racist bastard as well as repeal that DANGEROUS LAW that lets vigilantes deal out their own brand of justice rather than letting the cops handle it. Yep, the press is right on it. Of course, the thought that the cops were called, and this happened, kinda shows how life saving a move that is. Plus, there are several liberal organizations funding all this - why, they don't have agendas, now do they???

Then we have the press. The police didn't arrest Zimmerman for murder. As much as we all like to demean the cops for bad shootings, selective enforcement, covering for fellow officers and the like - mostly the aggregate does pretty well at a job none of the rest of us want. As high a profile case as this is, and considering what kind of political animals that police management usually are, if there was any evidence that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense but out and out murdered Martin, they'd be piping sunlight to him. But, instead, he walks free, which drives the liberal crowd nuts. They've anointed young Trayvon as an angel, and Zimmerman as a bastard white killer, so it must be true no matter the facts.

I'll believe all that if Zimmerman is convicted of murder and not until then. Until then, there is supposedly a legal tradition in this country - innocent until proven guilty. Can you imagine the outrage if the facts do not support the narrative? Will there be rioting in the streets? Bet that'll help.

Edited 04/06/2012


  1. So rational. Wish you worked for the press so we could get straight reporting. I never heard anything about Kansas City, guess that doesn't count in the eyes of mainstream media.

  2. I echo drjim, whatever happened was a shame but until we actually know something....

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Cathy!

    Yeah, Marianne - how can the lynch mob carry on like they do without having any proof? It's because they're not very sincere in their stated motives - they're agenda driven rather than sorry the kid was shot.

  4. I really like the effort the police and mayor have gone to link all the 911 calls and reports and evidence they can to the public view. Not that people are looking beyond 'what everybody says and all that everyone knows'. Being the computer age, you could probably find tracks from the young man, and the shooter.

    In the end, I stand by my statement, God loves both of these people more than I will ever understand. The national media is already quietly retreating for further real judgment, no one will ever charge them with inciting a riot, will they?

  5. eTat: That is exactly what I think happened. But I don't know, and the only ones that do aren't saying much.

  6. We don't know since we weren't there. Can't the same thing be said about the O.J. Simpson trial?

  7. Let me try to remember...... Nope, I wasn't there...
